Community Digital Literacy

Digital literacy is one of the fundamental building blocks for promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all under the Action’s framework for the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4), which includes a specific target (4.4) “By 2030, substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship”.

GN LIFE Digital Literacy Program helps ensure that the community have the skills necessary to use digital technology and close the digital divide. We believe that access to the Internet is a human right and that those without the necessary computer skills are at risk of social and economic disadvantage.

The Challenge

In today's progressively connected world, digital technologies such as smartphones, and cellular networks, and smart applications play an ever more crucial role in economic development. Deutsche Welle (DW) reports that with just 22% Internet connectivity, Africa is way behind the global average of 51%. The majority of those who remain unconnected are particularly in rural areas of Africa.
Several obstacles that pose challenges for African rural populations include unaffordable smartphones, low-voltage networks, expensive Internet rates, and lack of Internet access in local languages, amongst others. This digital divide creates a barrier that hampers the potential for progress and exacerbates existing inequalities. Bridging this divide is crucial to empower individuals and communities as well as help in fostering inclusive growth and enabling access to vital services, information, and opportunities.

Our Solutions

Digital literacy has become indispensable for every global citizen, whether to communicate, find employment, receive comprehensive education, or socialize. GN LIFE believes, acquiring the right set of digital skills is not only important for learning and workforce readiness but also vital to foster more open, inclusive, and secure societies.

GN LIFE have established community learning centers equipped with digital tools, provide access to technology and digital literacy training. These centers serves as hubs for youth and women in underserved areas, fostering a culture of learning and collaboration. We employ community-driven approaches, that ensures that solutions are tailored to local needs and contexts.

Tackling the digital divide through digital Literacy is helping the community to harness the full potential of technology to address local challenges and seize opportunities.

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