Youth Empowerment

Kenya has a predominantly youthful population, with over 75% of its people under the age of 35. This presents a significant opportunity for national growth and development - provided that these new generations are fully empowered to reach their full potential. The aspirations, energy, ambition, and innovation of these youth are driving forces that, if fully empowered, could significantly transform the country’s future.

The Challenge

The Kenya's youth are tech-savvy and eager to contribute to the country's economic, social, and political landscape. However, they face several challenges that hinder their potential and economic participation. High unemployment rates, currently as high as 35% for the youth, are a significant concern, with limited job opportunities in both urban and rural areas.
This situation is further exacerbated by inadequate access to quality education and skills training, leaving many young people unprepared for the job market. Additionally, there is a lack of access to capital and resources for youth-led businesses, making it difficult for young entrepreneurs to start and grow their ventures. The absence of mentorship and support networks further limits opportunities for entrepreneurship and career development.

These barriers hinder the economic participation of youth and contribute to broader challenges like poverty and inequality, underscoring the urgent need for targeted actions to unlock their potential and advance the country.

Our Solutions

To address these challenges, GN LIFE offers skills training in vocational and technical fields that align with local economic demands, including courses in digital literacy, hairdressing, barbering, liquid detergent soap making, and the production of khaki bags and envelopes. We promote youth employment through partnerships in emerging sectors like smart agriculture and technology.
Financial literacy training is provided to enhance money management skills, while improved access to microfinance and small business loans helps youth to start and grow their businesses. Our mentorship programs connect the youth to successful entrepreneurs and professionals helping them build transferrable skills, such as communication, problem solving, creativity, and leadership skills.
We also establish youth hubs and innovation centers for networking and collaboration. Additionally, we conduct community awareness campaigns to encourage youth involvement in all aspects of society, and support initiatives that involve youth in environmental conservation and social development

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